yume surana

 NAME.. . . . . . . . . . yume surana
 ALIASES.. . . . . . .  yume silvermoon, tsuki no hana
 AGE.. . . . . . . . . . . . 22
 SPECIES.. . . . . . . . au ra (raen)
 GENDER.. . . . . . .  female (she/her)
 ORIENTATION.  usually into guys with rare exceptions
 LOCATION.. . . . . . eorzea
 OCCUPATION.. . . adventurer / sellsword
A Raen au ra still retaining a Doman accent, Yume can be considered a sellsword only as a technicality — in practice she's less interested in profit and than she is in the greater good. An arcanist who uses opal carbuncles of her own design, she functions as a healer and a source of arcane firepower with the ability to summon eidolons to her side.


A farmer wants his son to be afraid of beautiful women, so that he will not leave home too soon, so he tells a story about how one drowned his brother’s cousin’s friend in a lake, not because he was a pig who deserved to be drowned, but because beautiful women are bad, and also witches. And it doesn’t matter that she didn’t ask to be beautiful, or to be born in a lake, or to live forever, or to not know how men breathe until they stop doing it.


 MBTI.. . . . . . . . . . ,  INFJ
 ALIGNMENT.. . . ,  lawful good
 BLOOD TYPE.. . . . AB
 GUARDIAN.. . . . .  Ryujin


 HEIGHT.. . . . . .  4' 9" / 145 cm
 HAIR.. . . . . . . . . blonde
 EYES.. . . . . . . . . blue (R) brown (L)
 BODY TYPE.  slim

history & more

Originally hailing from Othard, Yume left home as a young woman under circumstances she prefers not to speak about. She did not have an easy time transitioning from the tiny, isolated village she grew up in to the bustling metropolis of Kugane, and when she left for Eorzea it was not by choice. The ship transporting her was attacked by pirates, and she was later rescued by a group of adventurers sent to investigate Sastasha Seagrot.From there, finding herself in need of work, she took up studying at the arcanist's guild, where she found she had a knack for the craft. She eventually began taking jobs as a freelance adventurer, using her opal carbuncles to harm and to heal in equal measure.Yume is quiet — some would describe her as shy — and soft-spoken, often staying completely silent in social situations partially because she feels she has little to say, but also because she's somewhat skittish around strangers, particularly strange men. Those who get to know her will find she has a dry sense of humour, though she's somewhat literal-minded in conversation.Being taciturn does not mean she's unsociable. Far from it, she generally prefers to be in the company of other people rather than by herself, even if that just means sitting quietly and listening. Though she doesn't always have much to say, she hears everything — a trait that's useful for an adventurer, who often finds themself chasing rumours in pursuit of glory or gold.LIKES. Gardening, mochi, the moon, fancy sweets, and pretty trinkets, baubles, and tchotchkes
DISLIKES. Seafood, humid weather, being referred to as "ma'am," "mommy," strangers standing behind her, and when people yell

  • Her one blue eye is a result of aether poisoning she suffered as a child; she was briefly over-aspected with water aether after being attacked by a water sprite.

  • She has a slight lisp due to her fangs.

  • Her background has slightly messed up her understanding of healthy relationships and boundaries, and she tends to get involved with men who don't always treat her right.

  • Although she doesn't talk about where she's from, her features adapted to the water — including the ability to breathe indefinitely underwater, to swim as easily as she walks, and her fish-like tail — imply she's from a Raen village beneath the Ruby Sea.

  • She does have a mermaid form! She can choose to take this form when exposed to water.

  • Instead of Bahamut and Eorzean primals like the Warrior of Light, she summons egis of the Four Lords — Genbu, Byakko, Seiryu, and Suzaku. Seiryu is the auspice she's most closely attuned to and considers her patron, though she's never met him personally.

  • She can use either a tome or a staff when wielding her particular brand of summoning magic.

  • Voice Claim - Brianna White (ENG), Reina Ueda (JPN)

rp hooks

  • Adventuring - Yume is a summoner, but her summons are less about raw destructive force and more about imbuing her allies with vigor and healing wounds. She occasionally takes jobs doing general adventuring work, so it's possible she and your character have been contracted for the same job.

  • Ruby Sea - Yume is amphibious, and spends a lot of time underwater, but she's not fucking Aquaman and she's not out there befriending all the sea creatures. Perhaps a monster she can't outswim is threatening her and you have the ability to step in. (...swim in.)

  • Shipwreck - This one goes out to you pirate and merchant characters. The ship you're on is wrecked, either in battle or by a sudden storm, and you're rescued from drowning by a girl in the sea.

  • Runaway Carbuncle - Yume's carbuncles are generally well-behaved but they can be willful. Perhaps one has picked up the scent that something is strange about you and ran over to investigate, not being deterred no matter how much she pleads with it to behave?

  • Canon - I know RPing as the WoL is usually a faux pas, but if you want to RP your character as the WoL I don't mind and am happy to write with you! Yume is usually a junior Scion in this scenario along the ranks of Hoary Boulder etc. She will have the echo, but less powerful than the WoL - it just makes her immune to tempering and, rarely, lets her glimpse the future.

out of character

  • Timezone is PST/GMT-8.

  • I'm usually on in the evenings, about 7 my time until about midnight or so, though you can catch me in the morning and sometimes in the daytime on my days off. Since Yume is an alt, I don't get on her often unless I have a scheduled RP or am planning on visiting a venue! Feel free to reach out!

  • Though my home server is Dynamis I'm sometimes on Primal since that's where most of my friends are.

  • I'm not usually in-character, but if you see me with the RP tag on feel free to interact.

 ABOUT THE WRITER  I'm Miles (he/they), I'm an adult in real life and shockingly not an anime fish lady. I'm very shy OOC, so if you see me unengaged at a venue you are not bothering me if you approach me! I do have Discord and Twitter, ask if you want them. I prefer to only RP in-game though!


  • I am over 18 and prefer to play with 18+ players as well. Absolutely no NSFW RP with underage players, nor do I do NSFW with lalafells.

  • IC=/=OOC. Please don't assume the things my characters say and do are things I believe in real life, or that because I write something that it's a personal endorsement. This is fiction!

  • On a related note, I am not interested in dating OOC, ever! I am just here to write!

  • If you want to end an RP, feel free to say something. I won't interrogate you about it or get offended.

  • I have ADHD, which means sometimes I straight up just forget things. And get distracted easily. I like in-game and chat-based RP since it's easier for me to focus on, but please be patient with me!